CEEX 142/2006 BIOFILM, english version

Project VIASAN CEEX 142/2006

TITLE: Integrated research network for the study of microbial biofilms developed on cellular substrata and prosthetic devices to improve the diagnosis and treatmet of biofilm infections

Acronym: BIOFILM

Period: 04.09.2006-10.10.2008

Coordinator: University of Bucharest, Faculty of Biology

Principal investigator: Prof. dr. Veronica LAZAR


P1 ‘Stefan S. Nicolau” Institute of Virology

Principal investigator: CS III Bleotu Coralia

P2 Carol Davila” University of Medicine and Pharmacy

Principal investigator – Prof. dr. Teodor Traistaru

P3 Politechnical University of Bucharest – Centre of Microscopy – Data Microanalyse and Proceeding

Principal investigator – Prof. dr. Gheorghe Stanciu

P4 National Institute of Reasearch and Development for Biological Sciences

Principal investigator – Dr. Lucia Moldovan

P5 ‘Alfred Rusescu’ Institute for Mother and Child Protection

Principal investigator – Conf. dr. Suciu Nicolae

P6 “C. C. Iliescu” Institute of Cardiovascular Disease

Principal investigator – Biol. drd. Otilia Banu


Biofilms are involved in 60 to 85% of infections that occur in developed countries, characterized by slow onset, middle intensity symptoms, chronic evolution and resistance to antibiotic treatment.

Taking into account the differences in physiology and susceptibility to antibiotics of biofilm embedded bacteria, the international concerted efforts for finding new methods for the study of microbial adherence and aggregation, as well as new strategies for the diagnosis and therapy of biofilm associated infections are absolutely needed. The magnitude of the problem is highlighted by the decision taken at the level of the European Society for Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ESCMID) to fund, starting with 2005, the ESCMID Biofilm Study Group (ESGB). The multidisciplinary scientific team constituted for this project through collaboration between research institutions, universities and clinical units will allow the accumulation of high level knowledge, results and practical experience in a scientific field with large scale practical application for the public health and will contribute to the constitution of an integrated excellence research network, competitive and compatible with the international scientific area standards.

The main objective of the project is to promote and disseminate the methodological and scientific information on biofilms and their medical relevance, in the purpose to improve the results of prevention, diagnosis and therapy of biofilm associated infections. Specific activities: the setting up of the biological material background required for the optimal development of the scientific activities (collection of microbial strains isolated from medical biofilms, the investigation of intrinsic and extrinsic parameters of microbial adherence on cellular substrata and prosthetic devices by using original experimental models for the development of artificial monospecific biofilms; the in vitro assessment of the phenotypic resistance of adhered and biofilm embedded microbial strains to different antimicrobial factors; pilot study for the implementation in clinical laboratory of an optimized method for susceptibility testing and assessment of therapeutic doses for biofilm associated infections; elaboration of guidelines for prevention, diagnosis and therapy of infections with microorganisms adhered to tissues and prosthetic devices. As ESGB member, the coordinator of the project will permanently maintain the contact with other European biofilm study groups, and during the project, we will take the great opportunity of logistic support and consultancy from 2 experienced ESGB members from the University of Copenhagen, Medical Microbiology and Immunology Department hosting one of the most known biofilm research team. This project is framed in the thematic area No. 1 (Health) and No. 11 (Basic sciences) following the acquisition of advanced knowledge in a “hot” field of the fundamental research with large scale practical application in the public health domain, by prediction of opportunity and efficiency of biofilm associated infections therapy, and by approaching the microbial resistance

Scientific research dissemination:

ISI papers

1. Rodica Olar, Mihaela Badea, Elena Cristurean, Carmen Parnau, Dana Marinescu „Thermal behaviour of new n,n-dimethylbiguanide complexes having selective and effective antibacterial activity„J. Therm. Anal. Calor., 84(1)(2006) 53-58.

2. Olar Rodica, Badea Mihaela, Lazar Veronica, Balotescu Carmen, Cristurean Elena, Marinescu Dana 2007 Thermal behavior of some N,N-dimethylbiguanide derivatives displaying antimicrobial activity, , J. Therm. Anal. Calor., VOL 88; NUMBER 2, page(s) 323-327

3. Mariana Carmen Chifiriuc, Coralia Bleotu, Mariana Lixandru, Carmen Iordache, Cristina Larion, Dracea Olguta, Veronica Lazar, Anca Michaela IsrailInternalization of Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa bacterial cells by non-phagocytic, epithelial human cells from central venous catheter related infections by three laboratory methods”. Roumanian Biotechnological Letters, 2008 vol 13.nr 2 p3651-3658

4. Mariana Carmen Chifiriuc, Cristina Larion, Carmen Iordache, Mariana Lixandru, Olguta Dracea, Coralia Bleotu, Marcela Bucur, Anca Michaela Israil “Influence of soluble mediators upon the expression of different physiological and virulence hallmarks of bacteria” from central venous catheter related infections by three laboratory methods. Roumanian Biotechnological Letters, 2008 vol 13.nr 2 p.3631-3642.

5. Mariana Carmen Chifiriuc, Cristina Larion, Carmen Iordache, Mariana Lixandru, Olguta Dracea, Coralia Bleotu, Marcela Bucur, Anca Michaela Israil Influence of soluble mediators upon the expression of different physiological and virulence hallmarks of bacteria, , articol in extenso publicat in Roumanian Biotechnological Letters, 2008, vol. 13, 2, 3631-3642

6. Rodica Olar, Mihaela Badea, Maria Nicoleta Grecu, Dana Marinescu, Veronica Lazar, Carmen Balotescu „Thermal behavior , spectroscopic and biological characterization of copper(II) complexes with n,n-dimethylbiguanide„J. Therm. Anal. Calor., 92 (1) (2008) 239-243.

7. Rodica Olar, Mihaela Badea, Oana Carp, Dana Marinescu, Veronica Lazar, Carmen Balotescu, Anca Dumbrava„ Synthesis, characterisation and thermal behaviour of some thiosulfato- and sulfato copper (II) complexes. Antibacterial activity „J. Therm. Anal. Calor., 92 (1) (2008) 245-251

8. Katarzyna Wysocka, Agnieszka Ulatowska-Jarża, Joanna Bauer, Iwona Hołowacz, Bogdan Savu, George Stanciu, Halina Podbielska, AFM examination of sol–gel matrices doped with photosensitizers, Optica Applicata, Vol. XXXVIII, No. 1, 2008.

9. Veronica Lazar, Mariana Carmen Chifiriuc, Marcela Bucur, 1Mihai Burlibasa, Ruxandra Sfeatcu, Gheorghe Stanciu, Bogdan Savu, Teodor Traistaru, Cristina Dragomir, Ramona Cernat, Ioana Suciu Detection, Quantifiation And Investigation Of Virulence Potential Of Dental- Plaque Formers By Optic And Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy And Microbiological Assessment Tools. (manuscript accepted for publication in Rev. Med. Chir.)

10. Mariana Carmen Chifiriuc, Coralia Bleotu, Elena Sasarman, Veronica Lazar, Diana Smarandache, Tatiana Vassu, Ileana Stoica, Olguta Dracea, Carmen Iordache, Marcela Bucur, Cristina Larion, Oana Avram, Dana Cristea Preliminary studies for the selection of a new probiotic product to prevent and treat the diarrheal disease in infant child, in press. In Curr. Op. Molecular Biology

CNCSIS B+ papers

1 Iordache F., Iordache C., Chifiriuc M.C., Bleotu C., Pavel M., Pelinescu D., Sasarman E., Lazar V., Bucur M., Dracea O., Larion, C., Cotar A., Lixandru M. Antimicrobial and immunomodulatory activity of some probiotic fractions with potential clinical application. Archiva Zootehnica, 11:3, 41-51, 2008

Oral communications:

1. Veronica Lazar – Biofime microbiene: arhitectura, proprietati si implicatii in Stomatologie - a 3- a Conferinta Nationala de Paradontologie si a 12-a Editie a Congresului International UNAS- 10 Octombrie 2008

2. Veronica Lazar, Mariana Carmen Chifiriuc, Coralia Bleotu, Carmen Iordache, Mariana Lixandru, Marcela Bucur, Olguta Dracea, Cristina Larion. Cytokinic profile as a tool in the investigation of bacterial – eukaryotic crosstalk, XXXIth Congress of the Society of Microbial Ecology and Disease Djuronaset Kursgard, Stockholm, Suedia, 28-30 mai 2008.

Scientific papers presented as posters at national congresses:

1. O. Dracea, C. Bleotu, D. Cristea, C. Iordache, M. Lixandru, E. Viziteu, M. Bucur, C. Larion, C. Balotescu, V. Lazar. Studiul influentei infectiei virale asupra capacitatii de aderenta si invazie a substratului celular de catre tulpini bacteriene cu potential patogen. Al III-lea Simpozion Acad. N. Cajal, 28-29 Martie, Bucuresti, 2007

2. C. Larion, C. Balotescu, C. Bleotu, M. Bucur, O. Dracea, C. Iordache, M. Lixandru, D. Cristea, V. Lazar, A. M. Israil. Studiul activitatii antimicrobiene si citotoxice ale unor extracte vegetale. Al III-lea Simpozion Acad. N. Cajal, 28-29 Martie, Bucuresti, 2007

3. Carmen Iordache, Mariana Lixandru, Daniela Cristea, Marcela Bucur, Cristina Larion, Olguta Dracea, Carmen Balotescu, Bogdan Savu, Coralia Bleotu, Otilia Banu, Anca Israil, Veronica Lazar. Investigarea rezistentei fenotipice la antibiotice a unor biofilme experimentale monospecifice de Pseudomonas aeruginosa si Staphylococcus aureus. A XI-a Reuniune Nationala de Microbiologie, Mamaia, 23-26 Iunie 2007

Scientific papers presented as posters at international congresses

1.      V. Lazar, C. Balotescu, M. Bucur, C. Dragomir, M. Burlibasa, B. Savu, T. Traistaru Detection, quantifiation and investigation of virulence potential of  dental- plaque formers by optic and scanning electron microscopy and microbiological assessment tools. (Bucharest, RO) Abstract no. 956. 17th ECCMID,Munchen, Germany, 31 March-4th April, 2006.
2.      V. Lazar, C. Balotescu, M. Bucur, O. Banu, G. Dobrin, C. Bleotu, B.  Savu, I. Sandulescu, I. Stanciu, R. Cernat. Investigation of the antimicrobial activity of different antibiotics on monospecific biofilms developed in vitro by microbial strains isolated from cardiovascular devices associated infections (Bucharest, RO) Abstract no. 1953 Submitted for the 17th ECCMID,Munchen, Germany, 31 March-4th April, 2006.

3. G.A. Stanciu, I. Sandulescu, B. Savu, S.G> Stanciu, K.M. Paraskevopulus, X. Chatzistavrou, E. Kontonasaki, P. Koidis. Invstigation of hydroxyapatite growth on the bioactive glass surface. International Conference on Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Engineering (ICBPE 2006), Singapore, 8-14 Decembrie, 2006

4. Veronica Lazar, Mariana Carmen Balotescu, Marcela Bucur, Bogdan Savu, Gheroghe Stanciu, Ramona Cernat, Sorin David. Effects of novel nanostructured biomaterials on the adhesion and biofilm formation of different microbial strains in vitro. SOMED Congress, Rome, Italy, 16-18 Sept., 2007

  1. Iordache C., Balotescu C., Lazar V., Antohe F., Lixandru M.S., Sabin S., Moldovan L., Savu B., Banu O. Inhibitory effect of colistine on pseudomonas biofilms development evaluated by transmission electronic microscopy and scanning confocal laser microscopy. I4th Congress of the European Society for Emerging Infections, 30th September to 3rd October 2007, LisbonPortugal
  2. Veronica Lazar, Marcela Bucur, Bogdan Savu, Gheorghe Stanciu, Ion Sandulescu, Andreea Rosu, Mihai Burlibasa, Olguta Dracea, Carmen Iordache. Study of experimental biofilms formed by microbial strains isolated from dento-gingival plaque on different oral materials. Bacterial Adaptation Mechanisms: Biofilms, Hypermutability and Antibiotic resistance (BAMBHAR)" 7th - 9th of November, 2007 in Palma de Mallorca, Spain
  3. Lazar V, Iordache C, Bucur M, Balotescu C, Lixandru M S, Sabin S, Moldovan L, Banu O. Inhibitory effect of gentamycin on staphylococcus aureus biofilms development evaluated by transmission electronic microscopy and quantitative methods. Mechanisms: Biofilms, Hypermutability and Antibiotic resistance (BAMBHAR)" 7th - 9th of November, 2007 in Palma de Mallorca, Spain

8. M. BURLIBASA, I IONESCU, R. SFEATCU, C. BALOTESCU CHIFIRIUC, L. BURLIBASA, Establishment and develo-pment of microbial biofilms on brackets, 84th Congress European Orthodontic Society, 10-14 July 2008, Lisbon.

9. M. BURLIBASA, I. POPOVICI, I. IONESCU, R. SFEATCU, G. TANASE, D. ISPAS, Study of microbuial biofilms on the surface of some dental alloys used in oral implantology, Congress of Baltic Association for Maxillofacial and Plastic Surgery, May 15-17, 2008, Tallinn, Estonia.

10. ILEANA IONESCU, MIHAI BURLIBASA, RUXANDRA SFEATCU, LILIANA BURLIBASA, AUGUSTIN MIHAI, RUXANDRA STANESCU, Comparative study of microbial contamination on impression materials, International Dental Exhibition and Meeting, Aprilie 4-6, 2008, Singapore.

11. MIHAI BURLIBASA, AUGUSTIN MIHAI, VERONICA LAZAR, CARMEN BALOTESCU-CHIFIRIUC, ILEANA IONESCU, LILIANA BURLIBASA, Repartition of microbial biofilms on metalic structures in dental medicine, International Dental Exhibition and Meeting, Aprilie 4-6, 2008, Singapore.

12. S.G. STANCIU , R. HRISTU, G.A. STANCIU, Semiconductor Quantum Dots Investigated by X-Ray Diffraction, Scanning Laser Microscopy and Atomic Force Microscopy, Junior Microscopy 2008, 14-18 Iulie 2008, Lausanne, Switzerland.

13. Magda Mitache, Marcela Bucur, Emilia Panus, Veronica Lazar, Coralia Bleotu, Mariana-Carmen Balotescu, Virulence profile of enterobacterial strains isolated from surfaces in the hospital environment, 33rd FEBS Congress & 11th IUBMB Conference, Atena, 18-22 May 2008.

  1. Mariana Carmen Balotescu Chifiriuc, Coralia Bleotu, Carmen Iordache, Mariana Lixandru, Olguta Dracea, Marcela Bucur, Ani Cotar, Monica Sarbu, Veronica Lazar, In vitro evaluation of the immunomodulatory effects of cell free probiotic cultures with anti-Staphylococcus activity, 33rd FEBS Congress & 11th IUBMB Conference, Atena, 18-22 May 2008.
  2. E. Panus, N. Rosoiu, C. Balotescu, C. Bleotu, M. Mitache, Effect of different physic-mechanical factors upon the growth and expression of virulence in Escherichia coli strains isolated from drinking and sea water, 33rd FEBS Congress & 11th IUBMB Conference, Atena, 18-22 May 2008. (publicat in FEBS Journal 275, Suppl. 1, PP8-138, pg.421.
  3. C. Bleotu, M. Balotescu Chifiriuc, C. Iordache, O. Dracea, M. Bucur, C. Larion, L. Matei, O. Banu, R. Cernat, V. Lazar, In vitro investigation of the intercellular cross-talk between opportunistic bacteria and eukaryotic cells, 18th European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ECCMID), Barcelona, Spain, 19-22 April, 2008
  4. Carmen Iordache, Carmen Balotescu, Coralia Bleotu, Mariana Lixandru,Cristina Larion, Olguta Dracea, Marcela Bucur, Veronica Lazar “ Evaluarea in vitro a efectului imunomodulator al supernatantelor de probiotice cu activitate anti Pseudomonas Sesiunea Stiintifica Anuala INCDMI Cantacuzino, 15-16 ianuarie 2008.

18. Mariana Carmen Chifiriuc, Marcela Bucur, Ana Maria Stanciuc, Carmen Iordache, Veronica Lazar, Coralia Bleotu, Otilia Banu , Simona Savin, Investigation of the antibiotics influence on pseudomonas aeruginosa and staphylococcus aureus biofilms formed on cellular and inert substrata, Biofilms III 3rd International Conference, 6 - 8 October, 2008, Munich, Germany

19. Panus Emilia, Natalia Rosoiu, Balotescu Carmen, Mihaela Magdalena Mitache , Ani Cotar, Otilia Banu Cristina Larion. 2008 Comparative investigation of virulence and pathogenicity hallmarks in Escherichia coli strains isolated from environmental and clinical samples Meeting of the Three Divisions of the International Union of Microbiological Societies, August, 2008

  1. Balotescu Carmen, Mihaela Magdalena Mitache, Eliza Oprea, Badea Alina, Geana Oana Livia, Marcela Bucur, Rodica Olar, Mihaela Badea, Diana Smarandache, Veronica Lazar. 2008 Novel antipathogenic strategies against adherent enterobacterial strains isolated from the hospital environment Meeting of the Three Divisions of the International Union of Microbiological Societies, August, 2008
  2. Veronica Lazar, Balotescu Carmen, Diana Smarandache, Lia-Mara Ditu, Olguta Dracea, Marcela Bucur, Cristina Larion, Ramona Cernat, 2008 The interference between cell free lactic acid bacteria culture supernatants with the expression of virulence factors of Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa clinical strains Meeting of the Three Divisions of the International Union of Microbiological Societies, August, 2008
  3. Mihaela Magdalena Mitache, Balotescu Carmen, Eliza Oprea, Geana Oana Livia, Badea Alina, Marcela Bucur, Rodica Olar, Mihaela Badea, Diana Smarandache, Ani Cotar, Paul Ionescu, Emilia Panus, Veronica Lazar. , 2008 Investigation of new synthetic compounds and ecological products with antimicrobial activity against E. coli strains isolated from hospital environment Meeting of the Three Divisions of the International Union of Microbiological Societies, August, 2008
  4. Cristina Delcaru, Carmen Chifiriuc, Carmen Iordache, Olguta Dracea, Adrian Cotro, Anca Israil, Mariana Lixandru Investigation of the halophilic vibrios adaptation ability to different environmental stres conditions. Three Divisions of the International Union of Microbiological Societies, August September, 2008
  5. Cristea Daniela, Ciudin Lucia, Coralia Bleotu, Dorina Tatu Chitoiu, Simona Ciontea, Pencu Elena, Marcela Bucur, Cristina Larion, Carmen Iordache, Olguta Dracea. Carmen Chifiriuc. In vitro study of the invasion ability of some shigella and eiec strains. Meeting of the Three Divisions of the International Union of Microbiological Societies, August, 2008
  6. Mariana Carmen Chifiriuc, Marcela Bucur, Ana Maria Stanciuc, Carmen Iordache, Veronica Lazar, Coralia Bleotu, Otilia Banu, Simona Savin. Investigation of the antibiotics influence on Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus biofilms formed on cellular and inert substrata- Biofilms III Conference, Munich, Germany, 06-08. October 2008.

26. Rodica Olar, Mihaela Badea, Dana Marinescu, Emilia Iorgulescu, New complexes of Ni(II) and Cu(II) with macrocyclic ligands functionalised with 1,2,4-triazole – spectral, biological and thermal characterisation 14th ICTAC –International Congress on Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, Sao Pedro, Brazil, 14-18 September, 2008, poster E04

27. Rodica Olar, Mihaela Badea, Dana Marinescu, Veronica Lazar, Carmen Chifiriuc. New complexes of Ni(II) and Cu(II) with Schiff bases functionalised with 1,3,4-thiadiazole – spectral, magnetic, biological and thermal characterisation, 14th ICTAC –International Congress on Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, Sao Pedro, Brazil, 14-18 September, 2008, poster E05

28. Mihaela Badea, Rodica Olar, Dana Marinescu, Veronica Lazar, Carmen Chifiriuc. Thermal behaviour of new biological active cadmium mixed ligands complexes 14th ICTAC –International Congress on Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, Sao Pedro, Brazil, 14-18 September, 2008, poster E07

29. R. Olar, M. Badea, D. Marinescu, G. Vasile, V. Lazar and C. Chifiriuc. New complexes with N,N-dimethylbiguanide displaying low citotoxicity as potential large spectrum antimicrobial agents 9th European Biological Inorganic Chemistry Conference, EUROBIC9, Wroclaw, Poland, 2-6 September, 2008, poster 144, Book of abstracts pg. 263.

30. M. Badea, R. Olar, D. Marinescu, G. Vasile, V. Lazar and C. Chifiriuc New species displaying antibacterial and antifungal activities based on acrylate complexes 9th European Biological Inorganic Chemistry Conference, EUROBIC9, Wroclaw, Poland, 2-6 September, 2008, poster 5, Book of abstracts pg. 124.

31. R. Olar, M. Badea, D. Marinescu, G. Vasile, V. Lazar and C. Chifiriuc N,N-Dimethylbiguanide complexes displaying low citotoxicity as potential large spectrum antimicrobial agents,
6th International Biometals Symposium, BioMetals2008, Santoago de Compostela, Spain, 14-18 July, poster P40, Book of abstracts pg. 126.

32. M. Badea, R. Olar, D. Marinescu, G. Vasile, V. Lazar and C. Chifiriuc Complexes of 3d metals with mixed ligands displaying antibacterial and antifungal activities.
6th International Biometals Symposium, BioMetals2008, Santoago de Compostela, Spain, 14-18 July, poster P100, Book of abstracts pg. 186.